Green key - questionnaire 1 Start 2 Complete Guesthouse »Fitnes & rooms Levc« leads a well rounded sustainable managemnet ( please circle on how strong you agree or disagree) * Very well Well Average Bellow average Disappointing Your comment/thoughts: Guesthouse »Fitnes & rooms Levc« leads sustainable and green policy in : * Activities provided : YES NO Location * Location of the guesthouse: YES NO Accomodation * Accomodation : YES NO Breakfast * Breakfast offer : YES NO Your thoughts and comment on how we could improve our practice: Guesthouse »Fitnes & rooms Levc« informs guest well enough on their everyday green practices and initiatives: * Possibilty to forego linen and towels changing : YES NO Recycling * Recycling options within the guesthouse : YES NO Initiatives * Information on green initiatives of the guesthouse : YES NO Availability * Information on Green Key programme are well available : YES NO